List of the commands or function we have in the library:
Note: we have no OAUTH2 renew public function. The Lib is renewing automaticaly the OAUTH2 token if needed.
The commands and functions are now implemented. We have now to write a documentation and its demonstration stack.
Commands | Description | Statut |
GCalendarAPI_OAUTH2_ClientAPI_Define |
Defines the client id and client secret to use the google calendar API | Done |
GCalendarAPI_OAUTH2_Authorize |
Authorizes the application with the consent code get from the google calendar consent screen | Done |
GCalendarAPI_OAUTH2_Authenticate_CreateURL |
Creates the URL to get the google calendar consent code for your application | Done |
GCalendarAPI_OAUTH2_User_Token_Set | Links a token to an user for usage in the library | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Calendar_New |
Creates a new secondary calendar | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Calendar_Delete |
Deletes a secondary calendar | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Calendar_Clear |
Deletes all the events of the primary calendar | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Calendar_Update |
Updates the informations of a calendar | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Calendar_Get |
Gets the informations of a calendar | Done |
GCalendarAPI_CalendarList_List |
Returns the list of the calendars defined for the user | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Event_New | Creates a new event in a calendar | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Event_Get | Gets informations about an event | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Event_Update | Updates the informations of an event | Done |
GCalendarAPI_Event_List | Gets the events between two dates | Done |
Commands for managing calendarLists and ACL | Done |