The Excel Library for scripting Excel with LiveCode is now released. It is now time to improve the library with new updates. Updates will be available for all users who have purchased the Library.  

Here is the list of new additions for the Library.


Current available Open Source Version is 1.0.1

Current available Commercial Version is 1.2


Name Description  Mac statut  Windows statut Documented Version
Usage of RGB colors          


Returns the interior color of a range in RGB Done Done Done 1.0.1 


Sets the interior color of a range in RGB Done Done Done 1.0.1


Returns the border color of a range in RGB Done Done Done


Sets the border color of a range in RGB Done Done Done 1.0.1


Returns the RGB color of a font Done Done Done 1.0.1


Sets the RGB color of a font Done Done Done 1.0.1


Returns the interior pattern RGB color of a range Done Done Done 1.0.1


Sets the interior pattern RGB color of a range Done Done Done 1.0.1
Pivot Table commands and functions          
XCEL_PivotTable_New Adds a new pivot table in a worksheet linked to a range which contain data Done Done Done
XCEL_PivotTable_Fld_Define Sets a pivot field to an orientation in the pivot table: row, column, page or data Done Done Done 1.1 
XCEL_PivotTable_Delete Deletes the referenced pivot table Done Done Done 1.1
XCEL_PivotTable_Style_Set Sets the style applied to the pivot table Done Done Done 1.1 
XCEL_PivotTable_Refresh Refreshes the pivot table Done Done Done 1.1 
XCEL_PivotTable_Fld_Position_Set Sets the position of a pivot field among the fields of an orientation Done Done Done 1.1
XCEL_PivotTable_Item_Visible_Set Sets the visibility of a pivot item Done Done Done 1.1 
XCEL_PivotTable_Exists Checks the existence of a Pivot Table in a worksheet Done Done Done 1.1 
XCEL_PivotTable_Fld_Function_Set Changes the function associated to a data field (sum, count, average, min, max, etc) Done Done Done 1.1.1
XCEL_PivotTable_Fld_NumberFormat_Set Sets the number format of a data field Done Done Done 1.1.1
XCEL_PivotTable_Fld_Name_Set Sets the name displayed in the pivot table for a field Done Done Done 1.1.1
XCEL_PivotTable_Total_Visible_Set Sets the visibility of columns and rows grand total of the pivot table Done Done Done 1.1.1
XCEL_PivotTable_Count Counts the number of pivot tables in a worksheet Done Done Done 1.1.1
Filtering and sorting          
XCEL_Sheet_Sort Sorts the selected range by 1 to 3 sort keys Done Done In Progress 1.3
XCEL_PivotTable_Sort Sorts the specified pivot table by 1 pivot field In Progress To do To do  



We fixed a bug with commands using 2 similar kinds of object (2 ranges, 2 sheets, etc). The second object was using the same definition than the first object. Example with 2 ranges: if the first range was defined to be in sheet 1 and a second range was defined to be in sheet 2, the second range was declared to be in sheet 1 (the sheet defined for the first range). This is fixed in version 1.1


List of commands or functions for a future version of the library:

Managing macros  
Creation of UI elements and macro assignment  
Managing sheet tab color (only for Excel more recent versions)