The Intellisense Plugin is now available in the download section!

This is the result of a challenge I made with myself: how to have a window displaying a contextual list on the top of the script editor, but without changing any code in the editor?
The first version of the plugin was released with the Excel Lib Commercial version to help coding with the now, more than 200 commands, we have in the Library.

At this moment, the plugin is capable to auto-complete the word being in edition in the script editor window. Type the begining of the keyword, wait for the 3 dots mark and hit the tab key. Then the plugin displays a list of proposals or it "autocompletes" the word if it exists only one possibility.

The dictionary of possible keywords is composed by:

  • the LC commands
  • the LC functions
  • the LC properties
  • the LC messages
  • the datagrid library
  • the Libraries in use

We have a color for the LC keywords (blue) and a color for the libraries keywords (green). In a future version these colors will be customizable.
We have also an icon by family keywords (commands, functions, etc), to be able to quickly identify the keyword kind.

Here is an example of possible Messages when the keyword start by: "preop"

IP Preopen


We can navigate through the list by hitting the up and down keyboard keys, or clicking on the list to choose a keyword. Press the return key for validating the choose, or press esc for closing the list.

The plugin is also the good companion for finding the command you have read somewhere, but you don't remember the exact writing. Instead of searching in the doc, you can start the word by "?" and the plugin will help you. An example with searching the "column" keywords for coding with the datagrid object:

IP Searchingcontains


The plugin is refreshing its dictionary every time we are adding or removing a library (stacks in use), and have been tested with libraries such as SQL Yoga, Animation Engine and our Excel Library.

In future versions, more contexts detection will be added. For example it will be possible to have:

  • a filtered list of keywords (the previous word is "on" or "command" or "pass" or "exit", so the list is only containing "Messages" keywords)
  • the list of declared variables in the dictionary.


The plugin is quite experimental and not perfect, but I'm using it all the time and I'm really happy with it. I done some recent improvements and I decided to share the result with the community.
Any comments or suggestions, welcome.

