Past year I met a team creating a big software using LiveCode. Among things I was surprised to see how they were creating barcodes using a javascript script and a web area.
Then, I looked around exploring the LiveCode forum and read about some technic such as using a special font, or creating barcode by grouping objects.

This gave me the idea to simplify this and to bring a new tool in the LiveCode developers toolbox.

Barcode collection

Let me introduce the barcode generator widget:

In this version, we have fully rethought the XLSX_Range_Values_Set command.
It is now far quicker than previously.

We have also update the XLSX_Util_ExportData command for:
- more speed
- UTF-8 support

We fixed a memory leak.

And at last, we added a new XLSX_Range_Value_Set command dedicated to add single value in one cell.


Thanks a lot to Bernd Niggemann. He is in great help and good advices for optimizing things.

We still in the process to improve our XLSX Library:

We recently imprroved performances of the command XLSX_Range_Values_Set dedicated to export data from LiveCode as quickly as possible.
Some example of our test:
- 11 columns * 6700 rows in less of 2 seconds
- 4 columns * 21000 rows in less of 4 seconds (style and formulae included)

We have also a new command for changing row height

We were late to update the documentation. This now done and available.
Some of you reported also diffculties to download the version. We reorganised the download section and deleted the old XLSX Alpha version.

Here is the link to the XLSX 1.1.2

Keep also in mind the thing is actually in beta version. If something goes wrong, let's explore the issue and solve it.


After several attempts, hopes and deceptions, XLSX Lib is finally here!

This Lib capables to create new xlsx files and to import the content of any worksheet present in a xlsx file without the need of MS Excel on the device.

We have commands:
- to create new worksheets
- to export data in ranges or cells
- to format cells (color, style, background)
- to add fomula to a cell
- to change column width
- to read workbook data
- to read cell format or fomula

XLSX Lib is the little brother of Excel Lib, resourceful but limited. No pivot tables, no charts, no shapes, no old or exotic files format such as the old xls MS Excel format are availabled at this moment and will probably never come in the future. Using Applescript or Visual basic have some great avantages such as ensure the data imported will be conform to the Excel internal format. Doing this by hand trying to respect an often undocumented format is something made me hesitant to release a version. Selling that as a product and pretend the stuff is full reliable is something difficult to affirm in an objective point of view.
In the other hand the stuff seems to be capable of encouraging results and required a lot of work, resilience and passion.

This is a free solution for all whose bought the Excel Lib and needs to import or create xlsx files without the need of MS Excel install on devices.

For the reasons mentioned above, I'm hesistant to release it as an independant commercial product in the LiveCode Store. Maybe we will have this product here for a small amount of coins ($30 or $40 seems to be not excessive) to help update and support this Lib. Drop me a note if you may interested in helping with this and I will be able to take a final decision.

A free Lib is not a reason here, to not propose the best for potential users.

Here is a preview of what the Lib may capable in XLSX files creation:
Capture wb


As usually, we have also a documentation with ready to use examples:
XLXS Documentation


And some examples stacks with opened code, we used to test, stress and benchmark the Lib:

1. A worbook viewer:
WB Viewer


And a report generator:
Salestore Demo



After some months of intensive work, we are happy to announce the final release of DGH 2.5. This version is fully compatible with LiveCode 8.x and 9.x, however due to the introduction of Widgets inside DGH, the version 2.5 is not working with LC 7.x and below. However in this case you can continue to use DGH 2.1.

In this DGH 2.5 version we have made numerous changes. Some of them are just cosmetics, but our main work in this version was to introduce new features such as:

  • Properties for dg2 are now available.
  • Data grid form: the templates introduced by dg2 are available.
  • Form template: a new popup menu allows to choose whether to customize the classical row template or the new templates introduced by dg2.
  • Widget controls are now supported.
  • Now possible to customize the data grid table headers with controls (image, svg widget, checkbox), including the use of a svg icon for replacing the sort icons.
  • Column calculation (formula and grand total).
  • Spreadsheet behaviors: edit cell in one click, move through cells by using keyboard
  • Now possible to define action buttons or fields.
  • New search/find features available for forms and tables.


For more informations about DGH, how to purchase it or to upgrade to 2.5, please follow this link:

About DataGrid Helper (DGH) 2.5

And for a good preview of all the features and possibilities of DGH 2.5, please read our documention. Thanks to James Hale for his kind and great help with it:

Download the User Guide


The past three months we have worked on a new version of DGH, including lot of new features, changes, improvements and support for the LiveCode Widgets and dg2 features.
More than screenshots, we are rendering the documentation available to share with you how many cool stuffs we have in this major version, from adding formulae to a datagrid to custom its header in few clicks.

Before to release it we are looking for some testers to validate it outside of our development environment. If you are interest in helping us, feel free to contact me!

dgh readyfordg2         dgh supportwidgets

How do I Create Several Columns At A Time?

How Do I Change The Sort Arrow Icon Of My Datagrid?

How Do I Define A Button To Be Used As An Action Script?

 How Do I Prepare My DataGrid Form for Search And Find Script?

How Do I Use Formulae For Basic Calculation Inside My DataGrid?

How Do I Use Grand Total Functions?

 How Do I Create A Column With A Multiline Header?

How Do I Create A Custom Header With A CheckBox?

How Do I Create A Column Using A SVG Icon Widget As A Sort Icon?

How Do I Change The Templates For Swipe And Reorder Actions?

How Do I Use Widgets In The DGH's Template Area?

If you are waiting for new progresses about the XLSX Lib, you may have noticed I moved my free time to the Google Calendar Lib.


My goal is to be capable to use the Google Drive API to save a xlsx file to other formats such as pdf and to include this feature in the XLSX Library.

As I had  no knowledge in using LiveCode for dealing with REST API and OAUTH 2.0, but some knowledge with the Google Calendar API, anyway, I started with the Google API I was the more confortable. This could result in creating a simple stack with some quick handlers. However, I must confess when I'm studying something I'm studying it the deeper and the more seriously possible. And the best way I know for reaching the goal is to not work just for me but with the scope to have others developpers using it. This is requiring more attention in each detail and more exigences when writting code. As an humble LiveCode hobbyist this is how I want to write my code and I hope the final users of my products can appreciate it.

I'm just playing with a big construction game. I'm starting to build each pieces patiently and this is only when I'm assembling all the pieces together than you can see what my construction looks like.

So be patient, all the pieces are coming.

Last week I started an exercise for testing the LiveCode 8 REST capabilities. The result of this exercise is a Google Calendar Library I still working on.

At this moment we can deal with OAUTH 2.0, create, update and delete a calendar, get the calendars list and create new events.

The "In progress" section is updated if you want to follow where we are with this project.

We are actually working on a prototype capable of dealing with xlsx files directly without the need of the MS Excel application.

The main advantage is to work with xlsx in all existing plateformes (web, desktop, mobile) with no more application than LiveCode. As another advantage, other applications such as Open Office, would be capable to open xslx files, so we will not be restricted to MS Excel only.

In the other hand, warning the developer something is wrong in the file is more difficult than when the file is created and so controlled on the fly by MS Excel. For example the Excel Lib in its actual form is capable to return an error when a formula is wrong because the formula is interpreted on the fly by MS Excel during the building of the worksheet. Working with the xlsx file structure is low level, so some errors will be returned only when MS Excel will interpreted the file once one opening it. Debugging the creation of a complex workbook would quickly become a challenge or a nightmare.

The Excel Library 1.4.0 Commecial version is now released.

This version includes 4 new commands and 2 functions.

  • XCEL_FormatCondition_Count: Counts the number of format conditions attached to a range.
  • XCEL_FormatCondition_New: Creates a new format condition linked to a range.
  • XCEL_FormatCondition_Delete: Deletes a format condition.
  • XCEL_FormatCondition_Property_Set: Sets one of the format condition properties.
  • XCEL_Application_Path_Set (Macintosh only) Allows the possibility to define the full path of the MS Excel application to control. Useful if several versions of MS Excel are installed on the computer.
  • XCEL_Range_HyperLink_Address_Get: Returns the address of the first hyperlink attached to the specified cell.

Some changes:

  • The Excel VB or AS codes is no longer compressed in the custom properties for avoiding a crossplatform problem.
  • A description for the XCEL_Range_Rect_Get function has been added in the documentation.
  • In the documentation we have now a new "Parameters" button. This button allows to set the path of the MS Excel application to use with the documentation. The selected path is stored  in a preferences file, outside of the documentation.

And fixes:

  • Quotes in formulas could cause the XCEL_Range_Formula_Set command was not working properly on windows, with no error returned in 'the result'.
  • Quotes could cause errors with the XCEL_Range_Values_Get function (Macintosh)


Library registred's Users can download the new version in the Commercial section of the website.